This Massage takes away physical suffering and provides curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues by increasing the blood circulation, improves the process of clearing the toxic substances. Performed by warm medicated oils. (Read More)
Shirodhara with Oil
Continuous pouring of decoction oil over the forehead (the 'third eye') and allowing it to flow over the scalp, using a special instrument dhara-yantra, Useful for mental stress, anxiety, eye diseases, graying of hair, neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia. (Read More)
Shiro Abhyangam
Message is done on head by using herbal oils , helps to improve blood circulation in brain and relieves from insomnia, hair fall and mental tensions
Kati Basti/Griva Basti
A special technique for curing Chronic and acute backaches, lower back spasms, Prolapsed disc, Spondylosis, Osteoporosis and Sciatica . Treatment uses warm medicated oils/ herbal decoctions. (Read More)
Potli Massage
Useful for curing particular type of swelling & pains. The potlies (Pouches, made of herbs) stimulates blood flow, with in the affected area, helps in detoxifying etc.. (Read More)
Instillation of medicated herbal oils through the nose. Herbal oils benefit, disorders like chronic cold, sinusitis, migraine, headaches, premature graying of hair, chest congestion.
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Body Scrub/Deep Tissue
To decrease the chronic muscle tensions and toxins from any muscle, it’s a sport massage which helps to relive the stiffened body after gym.
A herbal facial to keep your skin glowing and healthy , helps is long lasting shine on the face and keeps away pimples etc.
Udvartana (powder massage), deeply penetrating herbal paste; a paste prepared from ground grains, flours, herbs to cleanse the skin. Improve circulation, and help weight loss ; used for people having Kapha dosha (obesity). (Read More)
Foot Reflexology
Foot massage is done using pressure points on the foot called marma points. It relives from many ailments.
Netra Tarpan
Netra Tarpana is a special Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes to get them relieved from tiredness and it also improve the eyesight. It is suggested therapy for the professionals who regularly works at Computers, Stone Carving machines, Jewellery Designing and other machines where intensive eye sight work is needed