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The spread of Ayurveda across the globe is attracting many foreigners.The Ayurvedic approach to an illness is holistic and therefore after an Ayurvedic treatment a person will find an improvement in their physical, mental and psychological conditions

Understanding the needs of various foreign visitors,  at our clinic we have carved out out the special programs :-


1) Rejuvenation Program

2) Specialized Treatments


1)  Rejuvenation Program

This is hallmark program  of ayulife which de-stresses the body and  removes the fatigue , eliminates the letharginess of body. It also helps in identifying any hidden chronic pains in the body and in a way provides the  preventive health care.


2) Specialized Program :-

This program is customized program prepared by doctor after consultation with beneficiary by discussing with him on his existing lifestyle and his way of life like exercise, medications, job profile etc.  This program varies from individual to individual and provides excellent health care. Some of the programs are


2.1) Pain Elmination in the body.

2.2) Blood Circulation Enhancemet.

2.3) Body Detoxification.

2.4) Head Realted Pains/Hair Fall/Eyes Heaviness.